Desmistificando os contêineres: o futuro do desenvolvimento de software

Descubra os benefícios dos contêineres no desenvolvimento de software e seu impacto na escalabilidade. Aprenda sobre o Docker e outras plataformas.

In the complex world of modern software development, one term that has been capturing an increasing amount of attention is “containers.” They are transforming the way applications are built, deployed, and managed, making the process more efficient and less fraught with the typical ‘it works on my machine’ problems.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of containers, understanding containers’ core concepts, advantages, and the role they play in the realm of software development. We’ll compare them with traditional virtual machines (VMs) and provide real-world examples to illustrate their practical applications. We’ll also take a closer look at the most well-known containerization platform, Docker, and discuss some of its alternatives. So whether you’re a seasoned developer, a student of software engineering, or just a tech enthusiast, stay with us as we demystify the universe of containers.

What are Containers?

In the realm of software development, understanding what a container is can be instrumental in building, deploying, and scaling applications effectively. Let’s dissect this concept to grasp its fundamental characteristics:

A Container is a Standard Unit of Software

A container is a standard unit of software that packages the code along with all its dependencies. This bundling ensures that the application runs uniformly across different computing environments, leading to a seamless operation. The standardization provided by a container is pivotal in maintaining consistency across various stages of the development lifecycle, from the developer’s workstation to the final production environment.

Containers and the Operating System

Containers run directly on the host operating system but are isolated from each other. Each container has its own filesystem and networking, but unlike a virtual machine, it doesn’t contain a full operating system inside. Instead, containers rely on the underlying system kernel and use only the OS components required for the applications they are running. This results in significantly less overhead and makes containers considerably more lightweight than virtual machines.

Containers are Application-Centric

Unlike traditional virtualization that is centered around running multiple operating systems on a single hardware system, containers are application-centric. Each container is designed to run a single application or service, making them highly modular and scalable. This design philosophy aligns well with a microservice-based architecture where each microservice can be deployed as a separate container.

Example: Imagine you are developing a complex web application that consists of a database backend, a RESTful API, and a front-end. By using containers, you can isolate each of these components into separate environments, each with their specific dependencies and configuration. If your front-end is built with React and requires Node.js and your backend is Python-based, each component can be packaged with its specific runtime environment into separate containers. This way, you can develop, test, and deploy each part independently from the others, avoiding conflicts in dependencies.

Containers are Isolated Yet Share Resources

Each container operates independently within its own space called the ‘container namespace.’ This namespace provides an isolated environment where the application works, separate from other containers. However, all containers share the host system’s operating system and, when needed, can securely communicate with each other. This balance between isolation and sharing makes containers an efficient tool for deploying multiple services on the same host.

In summary, a container is a lightweight, standalone, and secure unit of software that packages an application and everything it needs to run. By ensuring consistency across multiple computing environments, containers have revolutionized the way applications are developed, deployed, and scaled.

Why Are Containers Important?

Containers have revolutionized the world of software development for several reasons. They provide a uniform, consistent environment that eliminates the common problem of “it works on my machine” issue, thereby ensuring the application behaves the same way, regardless of where it’s deployed. This consistency leads to higher productivity and lesser time spent on debugging the environmental issues.

Moreover, they are lightweight and resource-efficient compared to traditional VMs, leading to reduced costs and better utilization of hardware. Their isolated yet shareable nature allows for optimal resource usage without compromising on security or efficiency.

Containers support a Microservices architecture, which is a modern development practice where an application is built as a suite of small, independently deployable services. This leads to smaller, more manageable codebases, shorter lead times, and the ability to scale individual components independently.

In a nutshell, containers have become a vital part of the software development and deployment workflow due to their myriad benefits in terms of efficiency, consistency, and scalability.

Understanding Container Images

A container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings. Here’s a closer look at what makes container images an integral part of the container ecosystem.

Role of Container Images

Container images serve as the blueprint for creating containers. They lay out a file system with all the files and dependencies needed to run your application. When you start a container, it becomes a running instance of the container image. This ensures that your software runs identically in every environment, from a developer’s laptop to a test environment, from a staging environment into production.

Immutability of Container Images

One of the key principles of container images is their immutability. Once created, container images do not change. Instead, new versions of the image are built when updates are needed. This characteristic ensures consistency and reliability, as each container based on that image will behave the same way.

Example: Suppose your development team has built a container image for an application and successfully tested it in various environments. This image is then used in the production environment. If there’s a need to update the application, instead of modifying the existing image (which could potentially introduce issues in the production environment), a new version of the image is created. This new version can be tested thoroughly before being deployed to production, ensuring that the application remains stable and reliable.

Sharing of Container Images

Container images can be easily shared and reused across different projects and teams, enhancing productivity and encouraging collaboration. They can be stored in and retrieved from container registries, which are repositories for storing container images.

In summary, container images are the building blocks of containers, encapsulating the application code and its dependencies into a single, standalone unit that ensures consistent and reliable execution across different environments, making them an essential part of containerization.

Containers vs. Virtual Machines: Breaking Down the Distinctions

Understanding the difference between containers and virtual machines (VMs) requires exploring their architecture, functionality, and their best use-cases:

Architectural Approach

The fundamental distinction between a container and a VM lies in their respective architectural approaches. A VM is essentially an emulation of a real computer that creates an isolated environment upon which an operating system can run. This VM, housing an entire operating system, interacts with a host machine through a hypervisor – a software layer that coordinates VM operations. The hypervisor communicates directly with the physical server to allocate resources like memory, processing power, and storage, ensuring each VM operates independently from the others.

Containers, however, take a different approach by virtualizing the operating system itself instead of the underlying hardware. They operate directly on the host system’s kernel, sharing the host’s operating system as well as binaries and libraries. Each container runs in an isolated user space, allowing multiple containers to run simultaneously on a single host. This approach reduces the overhead that comes with running multiple operating systems, making containers more lightweight and efficient compared to VMs.

Efficiency and Resource Utilization

VMs are fully isolated environments with their copies of operating systems and application libraries, thus taking up tens of GBs of space. They also require a significant amount of system resources to run.

On the contrary, containers share the host system’s kernel and use only the necessary components required to run the specific application. This leads to highly efficient resource utilization, making containers significantly smaller, faster to start, and less resource-intensive compared to VMs.

Application Isolation

Both VMs and containers offer application isolation, ensuring that each application or service runs independently without affecting others. However, the level of isolation differs. VMs offer robust isolation as each VM runs a separate operating system, but it comes at the cost of increased resource usage.

Containers provide process-level isolation, where each container runs in its user space. This level of isolation is less than that of VMs but is sufficient for most applications, and it comes with the benefits of reduced resource usage and increased efficiency.

Use Cases

VMs are beneficial in environments where you need to run applications that require all the resources and functionalities of an entire operating system or when you need to run multiple different operating systems on a single hardware system.

Example: Suppose you’re a software developer working on a project that needs to run on both Windows and Linux. With VMs, you could host both operating systems on your Mac, for instance, and test your application on each operating system without needing separate, physical machines for each.

Containers are ideal for deploying microservices-based applications where each service can be encapsulated in a single container. They are also perfect for situations where you want to maximize the number of applications running on a single server without the overhead of duplicating the entire operating system for each application.

In conclusion, the choice between containers and VMs depends heavily on the specific requirements of the applications, the environment in which they’re running, resource availability, and the necessary level of isolation. However, it’s important to note that containers and VMs can also complement each other in certain scenarios, providing the benefits of both solutions.

The Advantages of Containers over Traditional Virtualization

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Switching from traditional virtualization to containers comes with a plethora of benefits that can transform the software development and deployment process. Here’s a more in-depth look at some of these advantages:

Efficiency and Speed

One of the most striking advantages of containers is their efficiency. Since containers run on the host system’s OS and share its binaries and libraries, they avoid the overhead that comes with running full-fledged virtual machines. Containers are much smaller in size than VMs, which leads to less strain on system resources, enabling your systems to run more container instances than VMs.

Additionally, containers take minimal time to boot up, with most firing up almost instantly. This rapid start time is a game-changer in dynamic scaling environments where services need to be scaled up swiftly in response to changing workloads and user demand.

Consistency Across Environments

In traditional development workflows, it’s common to encounter situations where the code works well in one environment but throws up errors in another due to variations in underlying dependencies. Containers solve this problem by packaging the code along with its dependencies, ensuring a consistent environment from development to production.

This consistency simplifies collaborative coding, debugging, and deployment, omitting the notorious ‘works on my machine’ problem, and allowing development teams to push updates or new features more rapidly and reliably.


Despite sharing the host OS, each container operates independently in its own isolated user space. This means changes to a file, system library, or system setting in one container does not affect any other container.

This level of isolation between different containers is extremely helpful in managing applications with diverse sets of dependencies. Even if a container crashes, it doesn’t impact the others, ensuring the overall application remains largely unaffected.


Since containers encapsulate everything necessary to run an application, they are incredibly portable. A container can run on any platform and any infrastructure, provided they support container runtime. With no dependencies on the host OS, containers can be easily moved across environments—be it from a developer’s laptop to a test environment, from a staging environment into production and even from a physical machine in an on-premises data center to a virtual machine in a public or private cloud.

Scalability and Distributed Development

Containers are an ideal match for microservices and distributed development. With their small size and fast boot-up time, containers can be quickly scaled up and down, corresponding to the needs of a service at any given point. They allow each microservice to be deployed, upgraded, scaled, and restarted independently of other services in the application, bolstering the overall resilience and speed of development.

Example: Consider a popular e-commerce website preparing for Black Friday or other high-traffic events. With the help of containers, the company can rapidly scale up its services to meet the surge in user demand. As the traffic decreases, it can just as quickly scale down, thus optimizing resource use.

Arquitetura de Microsserviços

Microservices architecture is a design approach to build a single application as a set of small services. Each service runs in its own process and communicates with other services through well-defined APIs. Containers and microservices are perfect partners. By isolating each service in a separate container, developers can avoid the issues with dependency management that typically arise when deploying multiple services on a single VM.

From enhancing efficiency and consistency to promoting isolation and scalability, containers bring a slew of benefits that can significantly improve your DevOps lifecycle. They present the future of software deployment, a future that embraces cutting-edge solutions and technologies, such as microservices architecture and distributed development. By understanding and leveraging the advantages of containers over traditional virtualization, IT professionals can substantially elevate their development processes and business operations.

Understanding Docker and Alternatives in the Container Universe

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In the realm of containers, Docker has emerged as a popular platform, making containerization more accessible. However, Docker is not the sole player in this field. Let’s understand Docker’s role in the container ecosystem and explore some alternatives.

Docker: The Cornerstone of Containerization

Docker is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and managing applications as containers. With Docker, developers can package an application and its dependencies into a standalone container that can run on any environment, regardless of the specific system settings or installed software packages.

Docker’s Role

Docker’s primary role lies in simplifying the process of managing containers. Docker allows developers to create containerized applications, manage containers, define how containers should interact, and determine what resources containers can use.

Docker images serve as the building blocks of Docker containers. An image is a lightweight, standalone, and executable software package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, ensuring that the software always runs the same, regardless of environment.

Alternatives Engines

While Docker is a widely used containerization platform, it’s not the only option available. Here are some Docker alternatives:

  • Homem-Pod is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running Open Container Initiative (OCI) containers and container images on your Linux System. Podman provides a Docker-compatible command-line front end, allowing you to use Docker’s CLI commands and scripts.
  • Containerd was originally a component of Docker, Containerd is a runtime that manages container life cycles, including image transfer and storage, container execution and supervision, and low-level storage and network attachments. Containerd is designed to be embedded into a larger system, providing powerful container operations while focusing on simplicity and robustness.
  • CRI-O is a lightweight, optimized container runtime specifically for Kubernetes. It allows Kubernetes to use any Open Container Initiative (OCI)-compliant runtime as the container runtime for running pods, giving you more flexibility when choosing a runtime.
  • LXC (Linux Containers) and LXD (the LXC Daemon) offer a more traditional virtualization environment. When using LXC/LXD, your containers act somewhat like lightweight VMs, complete with operating system-level virtualization.

Docker continues to be a popular choice due to its robust ecosystem, user-friendly design, and wide adoption. However, the ultimate choice of a container tool depends on your specific needs. It’s essential to consider various factors like your environment, specific use case, performance requirements, and existing infrastructure before choosing a container platform. Understanding these alternatives to Docker will empower you to make the best decision for your unique application requirements.

It’s also important to remember that knowledge is the key to utilizing these tools to their fullest potential. This is where hands-on training can make all the difference.

Have you ever wanted to get practical, hands-on experience with Docker? LabEx offers an interactive Docker course that provides real-world, hands-on labs. You’ll not only learn the theory but also apply your knowledge in practice, helping you understand Docker more effectively.

Don’t just learn Docker; experience it with LabEx. Join the Docker course today and take the next step in your containerization journey!

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, containers have emerged as a game-changing technology, fundamentally transforming the way we build, deploy, and manage applications. They have presented unparalleled benefits in terms of efficiency, consistency, portability, and scalability.

Unquestionably, Docker has played a pivotal role in popularizing containerization. However, it’s just one among many solutions in the container universe. Understanding the specific needs of your project, infrastructure, and team is imperative in selecting the right container platform, be it Docker, Podman, Containerd, CRI-O, or LXC/LXD.

Given the profound impact and advantages of containers, it’s safe to say they are more than a fleeting trend. Containers are here to stay and will continue to be a key element in efficient and effective software delivery pipelines. Therefore, it’s more critical than ever for developers and IT professionals to comprehend, embrace, and master container technology.

The journey into the world of containers does not have to end here. With these newfound insights, you might be ready to take the next step.

Perhaps you’re contemplating deploying your containers. In that case, Virtual Private Servers (VPS) from Hostinger offer a perfect environment to bring your container knowledge to life.

And there’s always something more to learn. If you’re keen on receiving the latest insights directly from the world of software development, we’ve got a special section for you. Subscribe to our newsletter to catch updates and keep pace with the latest advancements in this dynamic field.

For those who are eager to delve deeper, we’ve covered a wealth of topics under our Linux category on our blog. This assortment can further help you understand the operating system at the core of container technology.

Whether it’s the practical application of containers, joining a community of enthusiastic learners, or deep-diving into Linux, remember that knowledge growth and skill development are your keys to navigating the dynamic world of software development. Stay curious and keep exploring!

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